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Ohana FitFest 2024 ~ View Tons of Photos ~

Results of race winners in all categories (male and female) are listed here:

The annual Ohana FitFest is another community event arranged and hosted by North Shore Give.

Also big mahalo to the Princeville at Hanalei Community Association,  Princeville Makai Golf Course, and all the sponsors for creating this fun family event. 

Photos courtesy of Maria Krajcirovic and Stefan Swanepoel. Photos are complimentary so you may download as many photos as you wish. 

11th Annual Ohana FitFest 2024

Three hundred runners participated in the 11th annual Ohana FitFest, held on Saturday September 28, 2024. The 5k obstacle course race started in Prince Albert Park in Princeville, wound along the Princeville path and through the Mauka (Woods) Course where runners climbed, crawled, and tested their coordination on 14 obstacles, before finishing back at Prince Albert Park. 

Proceeds will benefit our keiki; grants will be donated to North Shore elementary schools to help fund fitness programs and equipment.

Fastest overall male runner:
19-year old Ryder V. from Temecula, California, time 21:54

Fastest overall female runner:
10-year old Charlotte R. from Kilauea, time 26:56

Fastest team:
Kilauea School PTSA

Team with the most spirit:
The Sanctuary Kauai

Largest team:
Kilauea School PTSA