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Friends of Kauaʻi Wildlife Refuges presents a “Guided Sunset Cart Tour”

Sunset Tour Kauai

Friends of Kauaʻi Wildlife Refuges will present a “Guided Sunset Cart Tour” fundraising event on Tuesday, March 18th. Guests will enjoy a guided tour of Princeville Makai Golf Course – which is rated the 5th Most Scenic in the world by National Geographic. Tickets are $150 and include two admissions for a guided tour of Princeville Makai Golf Course, one golf cart, two free drinks and complimentary pupu, and the opportunity to learn about our native wildlife and three local national wildlife refuges.

Proceeds will support Friends of Kauaʻi Wildlife Refuges and make a difference in local wildlife education, conservation and preservation programs. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit or call 828-0384.


Sunset Tour Kauai

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