Comprehensive Resources for Princeville, Kilauea and Hanalei residents and visitors


Princeville Chickens and Birds 3

Streets in Princeville

Streets in Princeville Princeville (zip code 96722) has fifty-five roads and streets, most of which have a Hawaiian name. For all the streets in Princeville

Princeville Aerial 1 1

Driving Distances and Times

Driving distances and driving times to and from Princeville by car: North to: Hanalei 3 miles (~5 minutes) Haena 12 miles (~20 minutes) South to:

Jeep car rental on Kauai

Rental Cars in Kauai

Rental Cars in Kauai & Driving on an Island General Driving Etiquette The island of Kaua’i is circular in shape with one main road connecting